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Notes |
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1151 |
in the cemetery at Friederichstadt | FALIÈS, Susanne (I14311)
1152 |
in the cemetery at Friederichstadt | FALIÈS, Susanne Jaqueline (I14312)
1153 |
in the cemetery at Friederichstadt | GARLIN, Jaques (I14315)
1154 |
in the cemetery at Friederichstadt | BERTRAND, Marie (I14318)
1155 |
in the cemetery at Friederichstadt | RAMPON, François (I14319)
1156 |
in the cemetery at Friederichstadt | BERMOND, Claude (I14320)
1157 |
in the cemetery at Friederichstadt | ROUSSELET, Anne (I14325)
1158 |
in the cemetery at Friederichstadt | BOUISSANT, Etienne (I14346)
1159 |
in the cemetery at Friederichstadt | BOUISSANT, Marie (I14350)
1160 |
in the cemetery at Friederichstadt | BOUISSANT, Susanne Charlotte (I14352)
1161 |
in the cemetery of Friderichstadt | JARRY, Sara Susanne (I14164)
1162 |
in the cemetery of Friderichstadt | AHLEFELD, Sara Elisabeth (I14197)
1163 |
in the cemetery of Fridericstadt | JARRY, Jacques (I13854)
1164 |
in the cemetery of Fridericstadt | JARRY, Godefroy Elie (I14167)
1165 |
in the cemetery of Friederichstadt | JARRY, Anne Susanne (I13861)
1166 |
in the cemetery of Friederichstadt | ROUSSELET, Jean Charles (I14324)
1167 |
in the cemetery of the gate of Orangeburg | DESCHAZEAUX, Jean (I2062)
1168 |
in the cemetery of the gate of Orangeburg | DESCHAZEAUX, Anne Marguerite (I2954)
1169 |
in the cemetery of the hospital | CHABOT, Elisabeth (I14139)
1170 |
in the cemetery of the hospital | JARRY, Jean Charles (I14162)
1171 |
in the cemetery of the hospital | JARRY, Adolphe George (I14165)
1172 |
in the cemetery of the hospital | HURLIN, Anne Susanne (I14195)
1173 |
in the cemetery of the hospital | DESCHAZEAUX, Anne Marguerite (I14272)
1174 |
in the cemetery of the suburb of Spandau | BERTRAND, Sara (I13855)
1175 |
in the cemetery of the suburb of Spandau | JARRY, Jean Jessé (I14132)
1176 |
in the cemetery of the suburb of Spandau | FALIÈS, Mathieu (I14138)
1177 |
in the cemetery of the suburb of Spandau | JARRY, Jacques Jessé (I14159)
1178 |
in the churchyard at Collaten Estate, the old Froelich burial grounds | FROELICH, Johanna Dorothea (I3863)
1179 |
in the French cemetery | GARLIN, Jaques (I14313)
1180 |
in the French church cemetery at Friederichstadt | GARLIN, Charles (I14317)
1181 |
in the French Reformed cemetery | FALLIER, Jean Pierre (I9605)
1182 |
in the French Reformed cemetery | FALLIER, Emma Françoise Berthe (I9608)
1183 |
in the French Reformed cemetery | MARQUARDT, Anne Caroline (I12461)
1184 |
in the French Reformed cemetery | FALLIER, Auguste Théodore Adolphe (I12462)
1185 |
in the French Reformed cemetery | WILS, Eléonore Philippine (I13392)
1186 |
in the French Reformed church by Pastor Detroit | Family: Charles Edouard Gustave FALLIER / Johanne Juliane Henriette Friedérike GEIPEL (F6809)
1187 |
in the German Methodist church | Family: Charles Frederick HELLMUTH / Ada Zorinda GLENN (F8823)
1188 |
in the Harris Chapel of the University Methodist Church by James F. Stone, Minister, Asbury Methodist Church | Family: Robert Lewis MOSES, Jr. / Virginia Ann VON ROSENBERG (F8896)
1189 |
in the hospital cemetery | FALIÈS, Marianne (I14191)
1190 |
in the hospital cemetery | ROUSSELET, Jean Philippe (I14261)
1191 |
in the Landkirche | VON ROSENBERG, Amanda Karoline (I2814)
1192 |
in the Masonic section | VON ROSENBERG, Ella Agnes (I10112)
1193 |
in the mausoleum, Mr. Charles Johanson officiating | MEERSCHEIDT, Leo Paul Jr. (I9647)
1194 |
in the morning | FALIÈS, Elisabeth (I13796)
1195 |
in the new city | JARRY, Susanne (I14253)
1196 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: Robert Stanley DICKS / Frances Gregory FINDLEY (F424)
1197 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: Albert Bruce CAMPBELL / Living (F177)
1198 |
in the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Panteleimon | Family: Alexi Iwanowitsch EWDAKOW / Laura Natalie FROELICH (F24664)
1199 |
in the vault of Dorothéestadt | BOUISSANT, Susanne (I14440)
1200 |
in the vault of the church at Dorothéestadt | BOUISSANT, Jean (I14345)