1. Hahn Air Base, Rhein-Hunsrück, Germany 
2. Hailfax, Nova Scotia, Canada 
3. Halesboro, Lamar, Texas, USA 
4. Halle, Brandenburg, Germany 
5. Hallettsville City Cemetery, Hallettsville, Lavaca, Texas, USA 
6. Hallettsville, Lavaca, Texas, USA 
7. Halsted, Fayette, Texas, USA 
8. Halver, Westphalia, Germany 
9. Hamburg, Germany 
10. Hamilton County, Ohio, USA 
11. Hamilton Township, Mercer, New Jersey, USA 
12. Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA 
13. Hamilton, Hamilton, Texas, USA 
14. Handley, Tarrant, Texas, USA 
15. Hanna Cemetery, Meridian, Bosque, Texas, USA 
16. Hansford County, Texas, USA 
17. Harlingen, Cameron, Texas, USA 
18. Harris County, Texas, USA 
19. Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA 
20. Harrison County, Texas, USA 
21. Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA 
22. Hartland, Klickitat, Washington, USA 
23. Harvey, Jefferson, Louisiana, USA 
24. Harwood, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA 
25. Haskell County, Texas, USA 
26. Hastings, Adams, Nebraska, USA 
27. Hattiesburg, Forrest, Mississippi, USA 
28. Hausberge, Minden-Lubbecke, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 
29. Havana, Mason, Illinois, USA 
30. Haw Creek, Fayette, Texas, USA 
31. Hays County, Texas, USA 
32. Healing Springs, Washington, Alabama, USA 
33. Hearne, Robertson, Texas, USA 
34. Heflin, Cleburne, Alabama. USA 
35. Heidelberg, Baden, Germany 
36. Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 
37. Heidelberg, Germany 
38. Helotes, Bexar, Texas, USA 
39. Hempstead Cemetery, Waller, Texas, USA 
40. Hempstead, Waller, Texas, USA 
41. Henderson County, Texas, USA 
42. Henderson, Rusk, Texas, USA 
43. Henderson, Tennessee, USA 
44. Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA 
45. Heppner, Morrow, Oregon, USA 
46. Hereford, Deaf Smith, Texas, USA 
47. Hersfeld, Hersfeld District, Electorate of Hesse (now Bad Hersfeld, Hersfeld-Rotenburg, Kassel, Hesse, Germany) 
48. Herzberg, Schweinitz, Sachsen, Prussia 
49. Hewitt, McLennan, Texas, USA 
50. Hicks Farm Cemetery, Rutledge, Scotland, Missouri, USA 
51. Hidalgo County, Texas, USA 
52. High Hill, Fayette, Texas, USA 
53. High Street Cemetery, Benson, Cochise, Arizona, USA 
54. Hill Cemetery, Pflugerville, Travis, Texas, USA 
55. Hill Country Memorial Gardens, New Braunfels, Comal, Texas, USA 
56. Hill County, Texas, USA 
57. Hillcrest Cemetery, Excelsior Springs, Clay, Missouri, USA 
58. Hillcrest Cemetery, Temple, Bell, Texas, USA 
59. Hillcrest Garden of Memory Cemetery, Hillsboro, Hill, Texas, USA 
60. Hillcrest Memorial Gardens, Las Cruces, Doña Ana, New Mexico, USA 
61. Hillsboro, Hill, Texas, USA 
62. Hillsboro, Washington, Oregon, USA 
63. Hillside Cemetery, Cuero, DeWitt, Texas, USA 
64. Hilton Head Island, Beaufort, South Carolina, USA 
65. Hitchcock, Galveston, Texas, USA 
66. Hobart Rose Cemetery, Hobart, Kiowa, Oklahoma, USA 
67. Hobbs, Lea, New Mexico, USA 
68. Hodge Station, Burnet County, Texas 
69. Hodge's Bend Plantation, Fort Bend County, Texas 
70. Hodges Plot, City Cemetery, Junction, Kimble, Texas USA 
71. Hodges Ranch, Gonzales, Gonzales, Texas, USA 
72. Hodges Ranch, Junction, Kimball, Texas, USA 
73. Hogestown, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, USA 
74. Holland Cemetery, Burnet County, Texas 
75. Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, Otero, New Mexico, USA 
76. Hollywood Cemetery, Houston, Harris, Texas, USA 
77. Hollywood Township, Carver, Minnesota, USA 
78. Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA 
79. Holy Cross Cemetery, Granger, Williamson, Texas, USA 
80. Holy Saviour Cemetery, Manchester Township, York, Pennsylvania, USA 
81. Holy Trinity Catholic Cemetery, Corn Hill, Williamson, Texas, USA 
82. Homestead, Dade, Florida, USA 
83. Hong Kong 
84. Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 
85. Hood County, Texas, USA 
86. Hopkins County, Texas, USA 
87. Hoquiam, Grays Harbor, Washington, USA 
88. Hot Springs Village, Garland/Saline, Arkansas, USA 
89. Hot Springs, Garland, Arkansas, USA 
90. House Springs, Jefferson, Missouri, USA 
91. Houston National Cemetery, Houston, Harris, Texas, USA 
92. Houston, Harris, Texas, USA 
93. Hudson, Summit, Ohio, USA 
94. Hugo, Choctaw, Oklahoma, USA 
95. Humble, Harris, Texas, USA 
96. Hungary 
97. Hunt County, Texas, USA 
98. Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA 
99. Huntsville, AL 
100. Huntsville, Madison, Alabama, USA 
101. Huntsville, Texas, USA 
102. Huntsville, Walker, Texas, USA 
103. Hurricane, Saline , Arkansas, USA 
104. Hyattsville, Prince Georges, Maryland, USA 